Back Pain

Whether if it’s from lifting heavy weights, spending hours in the garden, or even bending over to clip your toenails (trust me, I’ve been there) - back pain affects everyone.

4 out of 5 people experience back pain and some point in their life, with about 1 in 6 Australians suffering from chronic back issues.

Back pain can present itself in many ways, and can be rather complex when combined with a multitude of psychosocial factors.

So why does it happen? And what can we do to help it, and to prevent future problems?

What causes back pain?

There are many structures in the back that can provoke symptoms - muscles, ligaments, joints, nerves and discs. However, we have moved away from trying to diagnose a specific structure that was at fault and rather look at the individual as a whole,

Mechanical back pain is often the result of a movement impairment, placing additional load on structures which lead to strains and sprains. 

Back pain can also be amplified and exacerbated by non-mechanical factors such as stress, poor sleep and recovery, systemic inflammatory conditions, and other psychosocial components of the body.

Every back pain has a reason for its occurrence, and understanding its presentation is vital in helping you know what you can do to help it. And that’s what we are here for. The good news is that most back pains can be treated and managed conservatively with physiotherapy.

How physiotherapy can help

The first step in treating any condition is to understand what the condition is, and what causes the individual pain. Our physios at Reforge perform in depth assessments to identify the problem/s which we then explain to you. We believe that empowering patients is of the upmost importance in ensuring a smooth and successful rehabilitative process.

Manual therapy can then be used to alleviate symptoms, with a combination of soft tissue massage, dry needling, and mobilisations. These provide the relief desired by those in pain, allowing them to free up their mobility.

Addressing the movement impairment is key in reducing back pain and further recurrences. Our physios will guide work with you to move again, gently introducing exercises that would benefit you the most. These include mobility, stability, and strength exercises, building up your physical capacity to be able to return to the things you love doing, better than before.

If you are someone that is or has been struggling with back pain, book a consult with us today!


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