Pain can be complex. The human body is a weird and wonderful machine that occasionally needs some help to continue maintaining its function. Our Physiotherapists are committed to helping you through your rehabilitation, providing you with knowledge to take control of your recovery and reclaim your strength and life.

The following articles provide brief insights to how these pains may arise, and the ways in which we can help.

Jonathan Teo Jonathan Teo

Achilles Tendinopathy

Struggling with pain in your heel during repetitive bounding activities like jumping and running?

This article provides an insight into causes of Achilles tendinopathies and what you can do to help yourself!

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Jonathan Teo Jonathan Teo


Grumpy tendons can impact our function and limit simple day-to-day activities.

This article breaks down the causes of tendinopathies, and things we can to to prevent them from getting overloaded and irritated.

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Jonathan Teo Jonathan Teo


One of the most neglected parts of our health that can lead to many other issues arising - recovery. We need to make sure that our bodies are getting the fuel and rest needed to function.

Read this article to explore the best options of recovery for you!

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Jonathan Teo Jonathan Teo

Allostatic Overload

Tired and fatigued? Physically, mentally, or emotionally, we all have our low days. But there's so much more to it than meets the eye.

This article breaks down all the different causes and factors of allostatic overload, and what to look out for.

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Jonathan Teo Jonathan Teo

Shoulder Pain

Do you experience shoulder pain while exercising, doing day-to-day activities, or even while sleeping?

This article may offer some insight to the complexity of shoulder pain and how we can best help you tackle it.

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Jonathan Teo Jonathan Teo

Anterior Knee Pain

Knee pain is extremely common, especially in the athletic population. There are a plethora of factors that can contribute or cause pain in the knee, making the knee a complex area.

This article breaks down its potential causes and factors, and how to address and manage knee pain.

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Jonathan Teo Jonathan Teo

Back Pain

4 out of 5 people experience back pain at some point in their lives.

Back pain can be rather complex with a multitude of physical and psycho-sociological factors.

This article provides an overview of back pain and how we physiotherapists can assist you with your recovery and rehabilitation.

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